Social Activity Recognition on Continous RGB-D Sequences


This event invited UK researchers to present their work on Human Activity Recognition. Here, I presented the work done during my PhD. The event was chaired by Ardhendu Behera (Edge Hill University), Nicola Bellotto (University of Lincoln) & Charith Abhayaratne (University of Sheffield). It included Keynote speakers such as Prof David Hogg (University of Leeds), Dr Alessandro Vinciarelli (University of Glasgow), Prof Ian Craddock (University of Bristol) and Prof Yiannis Demiris (Imperial College London).

Nov 8, 2017 9:00 AM — 5:00 PM
London, UK
Claudio Coppola
Claudio Coppola
Robotics And Machine Learning Scientist

Machine learning and robotics expert with experience in industry and academia applying AI and data science to transportation forecasting, manufacturing automation, robotic perception, and human-robot interaction.